Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Product Review: WeChat

Today, I am reviewing a mobile phone application called the WeChat, and as the name suggests, the application is a free voice and text messaging application that enables us to contact our friends and family easily and mainly for free, whether in India or anywhere internationally.

WeChat Screenshot

It works effortlessly on iPhone, Android, Windows and even the Symbian. Clearly, the developers of this application are looking to target a much wider audience with the WeChat. It has been concptualised and produced by the company,Tencent which happens to be the largest internet-company in the Asia-Pacific and the third largest in the world.
Along with the basic services of the voice and text messsaging, WeChat also offers services such as photo/voice sharing, contact and location exchange and sharing facilities. With the launch of this application, Tencent clearly stands to become a competitor to the current leader, Whatsapp and other slower applications such as the Nimbuzz.

Some features of the WeChat App would include:

  • It is absolutely Free! Even the Upgrades are for free.
  • Multiplicity of Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese
  • Bump, Shake and Remote Shake your way through for sharing contacts, files etc.
  • Individual as well as group chat options
  • Has a Facebook Connect option that allows easy registration for new consumers and also, helps in finding friends and existing contacts and/or inviting them to WeChat
  • Is colourful and looks attractive and is easy on manageability
My personal experience has been satisfying. The voice clarity is good enough, though much can be blamed on my poor network for the voice messaging. The Video call is perfectly workable via the 3G network and the shake feature for sharing is super cool. Definitely a competitor to Whatsapp though, I felt that the transfer from Whatsapp to WeChat might be slow as people are totally addicted to Whatsapp. However, the voice and video call features are unique to the app, and thus, has scope to become the new leader in Social Networking Apps!

You can download the application from here. WeChat
If you have further queries about the app, you may check the FAQ section too! WeChat FAQ

This is a review, under the BlogAdda Sponsored Review Program.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wake Me Up When September Ends


Stop for a while,
let the sun set
and let the stars shine out bright
And before the autumn sets in
Make sure you leave,
and while you are at it,
Take away the flowers of spring
Every petal, every dream
Every kiss, every embrace

Leave none, for I shall leave too
like two people who were in love once
and then parted
Or maybe not.
Till then,
Stop for a while,
let us count
the rays of sunlight
wrap our arms with the shades
they provide.
Let us watch the sun set
as we glide along our memories
each coated in spring
For autumn is coming
and soon we shall be gone
Till then,
Stop, for a while,
Let us raise a toast
For waking up, now that September has ended!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I Wish Someone Told Me...

I wish someone told me that fairy tales do come true. That
Happiness can still be touched and felt.
I wish someone told me, hope never fails. That
the horizon is never the end, but is like the silver lining
for the cloud that surges and bursts and surges again.
I wish someone told me how the one-winged bird is still alive
and how the mother grieves for her child. That
love and hurt are never lost, but go hand in hand
we win some and lose some, and while we are at it
We live, every moment, every memory.
I wish someone told me when life would end for me,
may be then I would live it to the fullest this minute
Maybe then the past would not affect the present
I wish someone told me how love can last for a lifetime. That
people come and go, but memories stay and breathe.
They breathe dust or dew, is for us to seek and choose.
I wish someone told me I am good enough, with my flaws and
That imperfections are the new perfect.
I wish someone told me that there is a man, who sighs
with every breath I take, who drinks the coffee now cold,
half of which I left and forgot. That he still drinks water from the glass
with my lipstick stains on it, to remind him of the kisses we build our love on.
Every day a little more, it grows, like creepers on a Banyan
bit by bit, I see the puzzles fit in.
I wish someone told me, that dreams do come true and that life isn't just the bruises
but the healing, not just the misery but the freedom to live, more and beyond.
I wish someone told me so, but maybe no one knows, till they learn on their own.
I wish someone told me this before, and maybe then, I would have passed it on to more.
I wish someone told me, It is never too late, Never.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda