ISBN: 9381523061
My Ratings:
3.5 out of 5
It is with these things revolving in my mind that I began reading two books- A Calendar Too Crowded by Sagarika Chakraborty and The Edge of Desire by Tuhin Sinha both that address the cause of the woman who goes out to Survive despite everything that she undergoes. It isn't just about being a woman- it is about anyone who has faced hardships and who chooses to not give up..Who chooses to still believe in Life, who Hopes to and is willing to Survive and Live!
The book is wonderfully constructed in terms of its content. As the title suggests, it is like you are reading a diary -with dates relevant and little notes, quotes and idioms. These dates pertain to those related to women, girl child primarily along with some dates related to their rights and their institutionalisation.
Sagarika has added short stories or instances of the ways in which women face discrimination and exploitation in their lives and some are so silently construed within the 'working' of the system that literally entails the exploitation.
Not just women, but the book revolves around themes such as racial discrimination(March) ,Female genital mutilation (February), World Population day (July), World Friendship day, Youth Day (August), Anti-trafficking day, Migrants Day(December) and more. You get the idea, right?
This book entails you a mixed-bag of Powerful poetry, heart-wrenching letters and stark accounts which compel you to the most gruelling need of the hour- Change of the Mind. Pick this up only if you dare to change. Read this book only if you are ready to acknowledge where we've gone wrong. It is an important step - knowing that we went wrong. Because it is only then that we can overcome our own prejudices and work on changing our perceptions.
Though I really do not think one must look at such books with any literary criticisms, I must admit that the girl knows what she is writing. I did not find any major error of the language, although I would advise using of better imagery and vocabulary to describe emotions than what is presented in the book. Being such a sensitive book, the emotions heighten the effects of the experience that has been written and a provocative (not in the sexual sense but only as an instigator) command over words would ensure its effectiveness.
By writing this book, Sagarika, you have earned my respect for a lifetime, if not more. Thank you for penning such a sensitive book. For those who wish to know how awesome a woman and a person she is, here are few links to get started! :D
If you are one of those who want to do something, make that difference and bring on change...I would say..Start by Reading about what actually happens..what the victim goes through and how a choice is not that friction-free from that of a victim to a survivor... Read and read, till your eyes see the truth, crystal clear.
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